We started today with materials Mary Ellen provided: a couple of books and some flash cards to teach colors, and we made each child a card with his or her name on it. Dennis, also in the picture, taught the kids to count to ten in English. Harry read them one of the books Mary Ellen sent with us, and I taught them some color words. Anna spoke in Spanish to direct the kids on what we wanted them to do and another friend, Priscilla, a retired nurse, made the name tags. When we arrived, about 12 children were patiently awaiting us. As the lessons progressed several more appeared until we had 16 children all eager and well behaved. A few adults appeared as well.
We will go again next Saturday and then again on future Saturdays when we return to Mexico after our Florida Christmas. We are going to try to collect some more blankets from people here at Laguna Vista because nights are cool here now and the children are cold without blankets. Mary Ellen had collected a few blankets that we took with us today. Bill has promised to take me to a teacher store in Sarasota. I have no materials or books for teaching little ones. We really had no idea what to expect today, we only wanted to support our friend Anna. It was an amazing experience to say the least.
You and Harry are really earning your heaven points. You are definately going to make a difference with these children. I can't imagine how sad it is to see their living conditions.