The new, beautiful, useless items fit perfectly on the empty shelves, but the Mexican dishes I brought back had to be stuffed in a bathroom cabinet. There simply was no room in the kitchen cabinets to store them, as they are replete with three sets of dishes already. The empty plant pots, such a nice collection indeed, are now stacked in the laundry room. Blessed be the shelf makers! Maybe next, Harry could attempt cabinet making.
I have found myself looking forward to December with great anticipation because it will be the time to bring up my tub of Christmas tchatchkis and dishes from our storage area in the basement garage. HELP!!
I really thought that with the need for three garage sales when we left the big house on Abbott, this urge to collect useless things would stop. But here I am once again, with no more space on the fridge for magnets, no more room in the spoon racks for spoons, shelves and cabinets all filled to the brim with odds and ends, dishes, and Mexican wine glasses (what a find these were, so adorable).
It's obviously time to pick up the phone and dial for help.....Tchatchkis Anonymous, a twelve-step program. I have at least taken the first step, admitting I am powerless in the face of a foreign gift shop.
I suppose I could throw out my husband and take over what little space I have allowed him for things. Certainly his bookshelves could be pressed into service ....
Sounds like you need more than just 12 steps. Something on the order of the Washington Monument may be needed.